My name’s Scott. I’m a programmer and speedrunner! On this site you can expect me to write about topics regarding both subjects, as well as whatever else might come to mind. Comments are welcome, and are currently powered by giscus, so you’ll need a GitHub account. If you don’t have one, just shoot a comment out to me on any of the sites listed in the bottom-left corner!
I’ve had an interest in computers for as long as I can remember and started programming in my early teenage years, from reading books on C++ or C to making little math helpers and rudimentary games on my Texas Instruments calculator. The real kicking-off point was making web pages and web sites. It commenced with basic HTML, but by the end of high school I’d gotten into PHP and MySQL (shout-out to Larry Ullman and his book PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide (2nd Edition), a book still on my shelf today). I’d created a couple web sites at least with a fully-functioning membership system (registration and login and more) with various other “dynamic” features.
College was largely focused on the academic/theoretical side of computing and programming, and my next major practical leap came when I became an intern at Lake Quincy Media in the fall of 2008. That company graduated into NimblePros, where I still work today as a senior software engineer!
I’ve always enjoyed, and still enjoy, playing video games, including ones that are quite old. I still have the old retro consoles available to play physical copies of the games on and appreciate playing through the old titles now and then. One of my main hobbies, though, is playing through these games quickly. This is where speedrunning comes in, and you can read more about my speedrunning journey over on the speedrunning page!
Other Hobbies
I enjoy reading, biking, board gaming, and playing the piano. I hope to put more time and energy into the latter, as I’ve had an on-and-off-again interest in playing music (and music theory in general) for decades at this point. I like composing music too (using tools like FL Studio or chiptunes with Furnace), but I’ve done even less of that!
For reading, I enjoy fiction and non-fiction alike. I’m winding up with more Brandon Sanderson works on my shelf these days than anything.
My current trend of board gaming are the genres of solo board games and co-op board games.